Bringing brands to life through creative ideas that intrigue, engage and connect with your audience.

Why Smile?

‘Smile’ is a word that describes the emotive experience that goes beyond just design aesthetics.

It’s a name that drives us to build brands with meaning and create work that doesn’t just look good, but also hits deep and makes you feel something.

About us

Studio Smile is a friendly branding and design studio that believes in making a positive impact. Based in Canterbury, Kent and founded in 2018; we work across strategy, brand, communication, environment and digital design.

Why us?

We're an ideas-led branding and design studio. Our name, ‘Smile’ derives not only from our approach to creating intelligent ideas and executing them with confidence and clarity but also our emphasis on developing meaningful client connections. Working collaboratively with great people is as important as the end product and fundamental to producing creative and beautiful work that strikes a chord with your audience.

What's our approach?

We’re proud to admit that we’re a small agency. Set up to stay close and nimble. Being small means we can adapt and pick our team to meet the needs of both client and brief. We focus on building long-lasting partnerships and see ourselves as your trusty sidekick, who you can lean on. Your Batman to our Robin, your Mario to our Luigi, Lennon to McCartney, Sponge Bob to Patrick, Han Solo to Chewbacca, Starsky to Hutch. We understand that every client is different and you’ll have your own unique requirements and approach. Occasionally we might steer you into the unknown if we think you're playing it too safe. But rest assured that your partner and ally will keep pointing you in the right direction. We’ll hold your hand through every phase of the process and explore the interesting and undiscovered.

What's our process?


It's question time. We want to know what makes you tick? Why you do what you do? How are you different to your competitors? What makes you different? What does your audience want?


Our findings are used to define the creative direction. Understanding what makes you exceptional and different to express your vision, mission, values and positioning.


With pencils in hand, and thinking caps on, it's time to get scribbling. Exploring in depth how we can express your brand identity and campaign.


Working closely with you to bring our ideas to life, we'll craft a bold identity that's supercharged to set you apart.

What we do


Brand strategyBrand positioningBrand identityAdvertisingCampaignsConsultancyMessaging and tone of voiceCopywritingVisual identityVerbal identityLogo designBrand namingBrand guidelines

Graphic Design

Website design & buildUX & UI designCommunications & campaignsFilms & AnimationPrint & editorial designBooksBrochuresConcept developmentPostersPrint & ProductionPublishingSignage & EnvironmentalExhibition designPresentationsDigital apps and toolsProposals

Image making

Art DirectionArt projects and productionEditorial IllustrationIllustrationPattern design3D visualisation and art directionPhotography & art direction

New Media

Motion designAnimationSocial mediaWebsites3D renderingCGI visualisation and animation

Who we work with

Our clients come from a broad range of sectors and industries including property, finance, education, the arts, charity, nonprofit and philanthropy.

We believe great things happen when both agency and client share an ambition to create something of value and make a real difference. We want to work with clients who care about what they do and create work we can be proud of. If that sounds like you, then lets chat.

Smiling is infectious, it sticks to you like glue. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When they smiled I realised that I'd passed it on to them. I thought about that smile, then I realised its worth. A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Embrace you're smile and grin right back, and get the world connected!